Sensitive health issues

Many of our projects tackle sensitive topics that can be hard to talk about. People appreciate the opportunity to talk in a safe, reflective space knowing they will be listened to with interest and respect, and that their input may help to make a difference to others…

Mental health and the young

Evaluating the impact of a wellbeing programme (Heads Up Kids) designed to support MH in schools highlighted the complex issues teachers face across their school day.

The project explored the development, delivery and reception of the programme. Insights highlighted the importance of support around bullying, social interactions and emotional resilience and how this fits within the wider PSHE framework.

Health and the value of work

Understanding the issues around those struggling to find work and the impact on their lives.

Islington Council wanted to talk to those with complex issues which led to a high prevalence of multi-generational unemployment. The project explored the role of interventions to help families and young people back into work.

End-of-life care and dementia

PHE wanted to explore a wide range of community approaches to end of life care and dementia to learn from best practice and disseminate these initiatives more widely.

Broad sample across the public, patients, family and carers touching on some of the most sensitive and meaningful issues for individuals around living with dementia and end of life.

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